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İnka Peshtemal Towel
Turkish Peshtemal Towels
Turkish towels, hammam towels and fouta towels. beaches and baths, Turkish towels, which stand out with their useful and water-absorbent properties, also attract attention with their patterns and colors in yoga halls, sports and pools. You should meet the old-style new generation towels and bring their comfort to your customers.

İnka Peshtemal is inspired the Inca Empire was unique in that it lacked many of the features associated with civilization in the Old World. The Incas were able to construct "one of the greatest imperial states in human history" without the use of the wheel, draft animals, knowledge of iron or steel, or even a system of writing.

Brand Label

If you are manufacturer, importer, end user or reseller under your own Brand of textile products, clothes, shoes, bags, jewelry, but also other types of products, and you want to add an extra image to your name, or highlight yourself compared to your main competitors, and the number of customers to grow significantly, you have found the right partner as label supplier!
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